Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
Aptly named, our high sleeper beds are built high with a top bunk sleeping area and plenty of space below. Sometimes referred to as loft beds, they’re designed to free up floor space and make the most of kids’ bedrooms
They’re particularly popular with pre-teens and teenagers as the designs are generally more grown-up looking. Some have a study area underneath the top bunk while others allow for storage furniture like a wardrobe or chest of drawers. Alternatively, it can be used as a chill-out area when friends come to visit.
Ideal for:
Mid sleepers stand at mid height with a raised sleeping area and space beneath for storage, a desk, and shelves or even a play area. Lower to the ground than their counterparts, they have a shorter staircase or ladder to the top bunk. This makes them popular with younger children up to the pre-teen age. The space beneath is great for maximising your little one’s play space. There are also mid sleepers which don’t have space to play beneath – these are more suited to older children and provide tons of storage space – think bookshelves, pull out desks and hidden drawer space.
While both of these are types of cabin beds, there is roughly about a 70cm difference in height between our mid sleepers and high sleepers. Safety regulations mean that both are completely safe for any youngsters 6 years old and up. However, it’s also true that midsleepers are ideal for younger children while highsleepers are better for preteen and teenage years. This is simply because a high sleeper offers more space beneath for older kids, while the lower bunk of a midsleeper is more easily accessed by little legs.
Both high sleepers and mid sleepers are completely safe, but only if you follow certain safety rules:
All Dreams kid's beds are built to last and with a little TLC they should see you right through from young ages to teenage years. To make sure you get the most out of your choice, you need to stick to the safety features identified above. It’s also important to consider that the life span of a kids bed goes beyond its sturdiness. Think about how long you plan on keeping the bed for your child. Are you happy to upgrade from a their bed once they hit their teenage years? Or would you prefer to buy a bed that lasts them up to a decade? If budget is important, look for a neutral style that can be adapted to their changing interests with bedding and accessories. For parents looking to buy a bed that runs parallel to your youngster’s development, a high sleeper is ideal. They offer you enough head space regardless of their height and the underneath can be adapted alongside their changing interests. But there are midsleepers which are great for teens too. Look for those which have storage and a pull out desk instead of space for playing. What’s more, if the planned bedroom has a small ceiling or an apex roof, a neutral midsleeper will see your child through without issue.
All high and mid sleepers are designed to create more floor space in children’s rooms – their height and multifunctional use minimises the need for extra furniture and storage. Some designs are particularly useful though such as beds with pull-out desk areas, built-in wardrobes and shelving.
Our best space saving designs are the Anderson mid sleeper and the Anderson High Sleeper. If storage is a problem in your kids room, check out our range of childrens' storage beds.
Mattress depth is important when it comes to top bunks on high and mid sleepers. The mattress must sit lower than the frame to prevent your child from rolling out. The mattress depth should be a maximum of 15cm but it’s worth checking the specifications of the individual designs to ensure you make the right choice.
Try to think about your child’s habits and hobbies, are they into playing make believe and would they enjoy having a den under their bed? Or are they arty/more studious and may benefit more from having some desk space?
Although both options are safe when used correctly, you may find that stairs are easier for your little ones to climb while ladders are typically more suited to older children.
There are a range of ways you can utilise the extra space you get with a high or mid sleeper. Some of the most popular options combine furniture and desk space to give your child’s bedroom a homely feel. Space for drawers and shelving, as well as a chill-out zone can really transform a small bedroom into one that feels much bigger. It’s also nice to separate the sociable den area from the sleeping top bunk, as once they’re in bed they won’t be able to watch TV or play on their games console!
The size of your mattress is the first decision to make. Use our handy tool to find the perfect mattress size for you.
To make searching easier, we have a list of our top selling mattresses.
Pregnancy comes with its fair share of unexpected changes, and sleep is just one of the things affected.